Diet and Health is dedicated to practical life and leisure, and information for a good health and better diet. The main topics are on nutrition, health, longevity and all means to improve daily life.

- Lot of tips to loss weight.
- Which molecules in slimming pills?
- Freida Pinto, his diet to stay slim.
- Jennifer Aniston and The Zone diet: How she remains slim.
- Dieticians do not like the strange diet of Megan Fox!
- The Jackie Cox's special diet praised by the stars.
- Best diets for slimness.
Diet and nutrition
- The classification of foods for longevity.
- Good and bad food combinations.
- Hungry, why and how to control it.
- Food to get rid of wrinkles.
- Harvard's food pyramid explained.
- Fat food reduces cognitives abilities.
- Healthy eating tips.
- The ideal breakfast.
- Food and intelligence.
- How to suppress the sensation of hunger for slimming.
- Antioxidants against aging.
- Red Bull, is it good or bad for health?
- Sports nutrition: Advices from Nadal.
- How to have a better memory.
- Wii Fit, for fitness.
- Gas and water in food provides satiety!
Health and food
- The French paradox explained.
- Vegan children promised to death.
- How to test online your health and fitness.
- What food against cancer?
- Food to avoid headaches.
- Detox.
- Food can it help to fight infection and inflammation?
- Vitamin supplements are they effective on health?
- Food and sleep.
- Causes of headache.
- Is chocolate good for health?
- Garlic is an essential food for health.
- Almond, a preventive medicine.
- Coffee is good for the brain.
- Food for longevity.
- Why is pizza so successful?
- Foods for slimness.
- The art of makeup in China.
- A light masque against wrinkles.
- Rejuvenation with a flash lamp.
- Snake venom against wrinkles.
- Serum 7.
- Actors and malformations.
- Jennifer Connelly likes cockroaches.
- Steve Jobs, a boss in jeans and polo.
- Gwyneth Paltrow and obesity.
- Scarlett Johanson is no longer curly, the blame to superwoman roles.
- Emma Watson, her controlled diet.
- Jessica Alba comes from a family of obese people.
- David Murdock and his diet for longevity.
- What happened to the actors of TV series?
- I have red hairs and then I make movies.
- People in blue jeans.
- Hollywood, alcohol and drugs.
Tools and misc.
- Chalk art. So realistic pictures...
- Before to buy a house. Some advices.
- Drawing the ideal plan for a studio or small flat.
- Ideal weight.
- Shades of blue. The blue color in any variation.
Last articles...
- Arabica or robusta coffee?
- How to prevent myocardial infarction?
- How many cups of coffee can you drink a day?
- Can you use aspirin regularly without detriment to health?
- Sugar is it bad for health?
- Should you drink tea in a bottle?
- How to extend the life of a razor.
- Aspartame is it bad for health?
- Do antioxidants promote longevity?
- Is it better to lose weight quickly or slowly?
- How much to sleep for a better health?
- Coca-cola and the health.
- Some tips to not be hungry.
- How to get rid of cockroaches?
- Decaffeinated coffee has it the virtues of raw coffee?