Soda linked to pancreatic cancer

A study shows a causal link between soda beverage type and pancreatic cancer. It was conducted in Singapore on a sample of 60 524 persons over 14 years.

Although rare, pancreatic cancer is almost always incurable as shown in the history of Patrick Swayze (5% survival rate during the 5 years after diagnosis).

Those who drank just two glasses of soft drinks of this type per week are 87% more likely to catch this cancer.
Fruit juices are also sweet but do not, however, have the same risk factor.

Actually it is the level of sugar in the drink that causes a rise in reaction to the production of insulin from the pancreas, which in greater proportion in the body promotes the appearance of cancer cells.
These cells also use more sugar than normal cells.

Other researchers remain cautious, saying that causality is not certain even if we accept the relationship between soft drinks and cancer. People drinking sodas could have other harmful habits...
Other studies have found no link between soda and cancer but this cancer is rare, it is difficult to establish statistics if they do not concern a large population.
And still others find a relationship between sugars added to foods and cancer of the pancreas.

Other causes linked to cancer of the pancreas:

References: Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention et Singapore Chinese Health Study.

See also