Food and Infarction

This danger is an invisible threat that progresses with age but which is not announced ever. What is the relationship between diet and myocardial infarction?

Only the surface is seen

Contrary to what happens with other diseases such as cancer, which depend also on heredity and environment, cardiac accident depends mainly on how to feed and physical activity.
Arteries are pipes whose state depends on what circulates inside and maintenance.

What is infarction?

Two very similar hurts threaten the heart, a vital organ that works perfectly by itself but requires a minimum of care.

They are both consequences of atherosclerosis, the state of the arteries when their walls are lined with fat, they become harden and calcifient. When a piece of fat separates from the walls, it can either clog an artery or be led by the blood flow to the heart and disrupt its operations.

Angina pectoris

This is the first consequence of arteriosclerosis. The inside diameter of arteries is reduced because of their fouling and blood flow slows. This can result in discomfort that disappears after thirty minutes of rest.

Myocardial infarction

This is the ultimate consequence. An artery is blocked by a fatty deposit, or the heart itself is hampered by a piece of fat. No longer receiving blood cause a necrosis, irreparably. It follows a loss of knowledge which can not be released before hours, provided one have received appropriate care.

The arteriosclerosis is a direct consequence of a diet too rich in cholesterol.

Fatty acids

The arteriosclerosis comes from the excesses of bad fat, bad cholesterol whose presence comes from an unbalanced diet. The harmful foods are displayed in the third table below.

All fats are not harmful. Alpha-linolenic and alpha-linoleic acids have a positive effect by eliminating the bad cholesterol, preserving the arteries and a beneficial effect on the metabolism and the heart.

Monosaturated fats should be avoided as opposed to mono unsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat. These are known under the names of essential fatty acids, omega 3 and omega 6.

Omega 3 is found in fish, nuts and some oils. The first of the three tables below provides a list of preferred foods.

What you need to eat

These foods can be eaten without limitation in the composition of menues.

Raw fruits and vegetables Source of vitamins without fat.
Cooked vegetables Less vitamins, more antioxidants.
Chicken Chicken must be chosen according to the type of farming.
Fish Most are beneficial.
Liver Bring iron but can also store pesticides.
Canola , olive, walnut oils For omega 3 and 6.
Complete foods Fiber and vitamins.
Mushrooms Source of protein without fat.
Grains Good but energetic.
Semi complete pasta fibers without pesticides.
Tea, water, natural fruit juices Beneficial drinks.

What must be limited

These foods are usually necessary if you can not find the nutrients they provide in a studied food, however, they must be limited.
For example, two dishes of red meat per week is sufficient.

Red meat Iron intake, often needed.
Butter Useful for vitamins A, but too fat.
Skimmed milk A lesser harm.
Cheeses You can stay safe by eating a little cheese daily.
Other oils See the composition.
Eggs Ban after a cardiac alert.
Nuts Good nutrients but fat.
Chocolate To consume every day without excess.
Honey The best sugar if necessary.
Wine A glass of wine per day, not more.
Light fruit juices Few vitamins, too much acidity.
Coffee Exciting, one or two per days at most.

What is prohibited

These foods can be eaten in an exceptional manner of course, but should not be included in a menu served on a regular basis.

Black pudding Full of iron, but also fat.
Pork, bacon Foods still too fat.
Complete dairy Vitamins and fat.
Sausage, salami, merger As pudding on top of bad fat.
Fries potatoes One way to prepare potatoes to avoid.
Mayonnaise Easy to replace, it is what to do.
Spirits Very exceptionally.
Industrial fruit juice Too acids and no vitamins.
Colas Even light, excite and acids.
Pastries Usually combination of fats and sugars.
Sugars Attention to the glycemic index.


Pain in the chest are the manifestation of atherosclerosis, and a feeling of oppression. They tend to radiate in the back, arms, neck, jaw.

The symptoms of angina pectoris and a minor heart attack are the same but last longer for the second. Needless to say that you must consult a physician at the first warning, which should lead you to change the diet.

The first symptoms, as well as the fatal heart attack, occur most often at unusual physical exertion, during a strong emotion, or during a feast with sumptuous meal and spirits.