What foods for essential amino acids?
Longevity depends partly on the supply of amino acids in food.
These molecules all contribute to the functioning of the body and health and are provided only through nutrition, which is why it is necessary to define a diet that includes all of them in sufficient proportions.
But if you think a meat diet is the solution because it provides more proteins and amino acids derived from them, you must disabuse. Lower consumption of protein and more carbohydrates extends life expectancy, according to studies. And eating vegetables and whole foods also reduces mortality. We know also that a higher level of tryptophan reduces heart risks, and it also advocates the Mediterranean diet. (References at the bottom of page.)
Histidine: longevity
It is not only necessary for children as it has long been thought, but as several recent studies have shown, it is also required for adults. However, adults are able to synthesize it (if they are in perfect health) while children need a greater intake in the diet.
It is a precursor of histamine and therefore it contributes to the immune system.
It maintains the pH and thus control the acidity in the blood, by absorbing protons in excess and metal ions. In general, it contributes to the formation of proteins building tissues.
It participates in the synthesis of carnosine, which is an antioxidant and fights glycation, a factor of diabetes and aging.
Therefore it promotes longevity.
It is found in protein, animal or vegetal. Fatty fish are considered a good source of histidine. It is also found in legumes, mushrooms, potatoes.
Deficiency is rare in a balanced diet.
Isoleucine : fitness
It participates in combination with biotin in exercise physiology and the metabolism of sugars for muscle maintenance. It becomes harmful in the absence of the vitamin, because untransformed, has negative effects on the muscles and the brain. So the diet must also include biotin, and the following list of recommended foods takes that into account...
Foods rich in both isoleucine and biotin:
- Eggs.
- Soybeans.
- Milk.
- Seeds (hazelnut, etc ...)
Isoleucine alone:
- Fish, poultry.
Biotin alone:
- Liver, whole grains.
Leucine : strength
It participates in the synthesis of sterols, stimulates muscle cells. Dietary supplements have no beneficial observed effect, it must come from the diet. Especially since taken in excess, it can cause neurological disorders or pellagra.
Food sources:
- Soybeans.
- Beef.
- Peanut.
- Fish.
- Wheat germ.
- Almond.
- Chicken.
Lysine : recovery
It is transformed by our metabolism to acetyl-coenzyme A, which participates in different cycles to regulate the balance between sugars and fats in the body, and their use. It helps to absorb calcium, building muscles, recovery of wounds, production of hormones and antibodies.
Food sources:
- Chicken.
- Beef.
- Soybeans.
- Lens.
- Parmesan.
- Milk, even skimmed.
- Eggs.
A diet based on grains only (rice, wheat) causes a deficiency.
Methionine : strength
Although considered essential in combination with other compounds, it tends to shorten the life of some animals! Deficiency is equally harmful and causes diseases or death. It is essential for protein synthesis, which, in excess reduce longevity. Beyond this correlation, it has no observed effect on human. And it is essential to health.
- It is found a lot in sesame. Which can feed us by replacing fat cheese with hummus which is a mixture of peas and sesame flour. Check the composition as one tends to reduce sesame and replace it with cheese!
- Eggs also contain a lot.
- Fish also.
- Cereals in smaller quantities.
We must eat these foods without excess.
Phenylalanine: regeneration and reactivity
It is used to constitute the hormones that regulate our body: noradrenaline, adrenaline, it also becomes tyrosine allowing protein synthesis and thus the regeneration of the body.
Food sources:
- Cereals.
- Vegetables.
- Nuts.
- Fruit.
Phenylalanine is found in aspartame (not necessarily in other éducolrants). We know it is produced by cultures of Escherichia coli bacteria! In excess it has the effect of promoting diarrhea.
Tryptophan: arteries, sleep
Contributes to the quality of the arteries and thus prevents cardiovascular diseases. It participates in the formation of proteins in our body and is a precursor of serotonin, which regulates sleep and functions of arteries, and niacin (vitamin B3), which is essential for the metabolism and also affects blood circulation. It also reduces the bad cholesterol.
Sources of tryptophan :
- Cacao.
- Oats.
- Egg.
- Cod.
- Soybeans.
- Parmesan.
- Sesame.
The sources are varied but match the Mediterranean diet. As a dietary supplement, it is not recommended and even was a time banned because of very harmful effects of an eventual overdose.
Valine: energy
It acts on the muscular system where it is involved in energy production.
Is found in foods rich in protein, animal or vegetal. A balanced diet provides the necessary intakes. An excess has side effects, so it is not useful to try to increase intakes.
A conclusion of this study is that certain foods come up repeatedly as sources of essential amino acids and must be part of our diet. Eggs, fish, nuts. If you must eat cheese, it must be Parmesan. Cocoa is also very beneficial. Other sources of amino acids are varied. So the diet must be balanced and change from day to day, especially as the excess in any nutrient is as harmful as deficiency.
- Cleveland Clinic researchers discover new link between heart disease and red meat.
The carnitive molecule promotes atherosclerosis according to the study. - Eating animal protein is as harmful as smoking.
This includes meat, but also eggs, dairy. That increases the risk of cancer according to this study. But moderate amounts does not have the same negative effect. Note that grilling and frying add to the risk.