Factors that influence hunger
The body actually has control mechanisms of food that it manages by inducing either hunger or satiety. For this purpose two antagonistic hormones are synthesized as needed.

Ghrelin, which is secreted when the lack of food appears. Leptin on the contrary is a hormone secreted by cells when fat reserves are increasing and they are sent to brain to mark satiety.
However, these mechanisms have nothing of the workings of a clock and many other factors determine the thinness or weight gain.
The sensation of eating is not just a matter of hormone, but also depends on many signals received by the brain during a meal, it are looking for signals in certain circumstances, which do not necessarily come from lack of food.
The taste buds transmit to the brain the information they interprete as giving a taste to food. But most basic data as sweet, sour, bitter, salty, are perceived by cells among the taste buds and transmitted to the brain by the facial nerve.
The aromas are perceived internally following a trip inside the mouth by drip, with molecules that come out of food, under the effect of chewing among others.
Chewing muscles have nerve that recoginze the texture of food: solid or liquid, smooth, etc..
The cracks of crackers, chewing noises are transmitted to the middle ear bones.
The tingling sensations, burns, cold, are perceived by the trigeminal nerve endings in teeth, mouth, tongue, cheeks.
Other factors
The context is probably more important than the meal itself to determine the appetite. Trouble may you want to eat more and conversely a friendly atmosphere can promote it too.
Many signals (a fire, the smell of cooking, a beautiful table, a festive atmosphere) can help make a meal pleasant even with a less appetizing food.
Remove the sensation of hunger to be slim
Make a pleasant meal, which transmits to the brain all the signals corresponding to this act is a good thing to address the interim period of diet between two meals without being felt the sensation of hunger.
Theoretically hunger increases when the level of blood sugar down, and that the brain receives the signal to renew its reserves. In fact, it is a matter of habit and diet.
The body used to consume sugars tend to require more and more of them. Knowing that fiber soaked in water tend to saturate the digestive system and thus contribute to satiety, it is recommended for losing weight to, change eating habits by removing fast sugars, reducing slow sugars, and increasing vegetables rich in fiber ... and drinking a lot.
This is developed in Hungry, why and how to control it.