Which bridge camera with big zoom to choose?

Canon SX70 vs Panasonic FZ82 vs Nikon P900 vs Kodak AZ901, full comparison.

If you need very long-range binoculars, which also allow you to store images, a bridge is the solution. The advantage of a bridge is that its fixed optics put it at an advantageous price compared to the telephoto lenses of hybrids and SLRs. The counterpart is a sensor in small format 1/2.3" with a lower sensitivity that makes the images in low light grainy if you do not increase the exposure time. These cameras are better suited for daylight.
Another advantage is the minimum focusing distance of 1cm, which makes them ideal for macro photography.

If you have not yet chosen your model, here's a brief comparison between the Canon SX70 and the closest competitors which all offer a very big zoom. It is based on manufacturers' specifications, testers reviews and consumer reviews, and even a reading of the online manual ...

Comparison of specifications

  Canon SX70 Lumix FZ82 Nikon P950 Kodak AZ901
Optical zoom 65x 60x 83x 90x
Combined zoom 260x 120x en 4.5M 332x 360x
FHD zoom 577x 450x 671x 825x
Focal range 21 - 1365 mm 20 - 1200 mm 24 - 2000 mm 22 - 1980 mm
Aperture for focal range f/3.4 - f/6.5 f/2.8-5.9 f/2.8-6.5 f/3.1-6.8
ISO 100-3200 100-3200 100-6400 100-3200
Pixels (million) 20.3 18 16.1 20
Best resolution in 16:9 5184x2912 4896x2752 4608x2592 5120x2880
Memory card Class 10, UHS3 Class 10, UHS3 Class 10 SDHC 32 GO max
Video 1080p 60 fps 60 fps 60 fps 30 fps
Video 4K 30 fps 30 fps 30fps, 25fps -
Video max length 30 mn 50 mn 29 mn 30 mn
Video format MP4 AVCHD MP4 AVCHD MP4 AVCHD MOV (H.264)
Text incrustation oui oui oui oui
Integrated micro oui oui oui oui
Jack plug for micro - - 3.5 cm -
HDR auto oui oui oui oui
HDR manual (AE Bracketing) oui oui oui oui
Focus stacking - oui - -
Panorama oui oui oui 360°
Cutom modes 2 3 2 2
Touchscreen - oui - -
Flip or articulated screen Articulated Fixed Articulated Articulated
Viewfinder (millions pixels) 2.36 1.166 2.359 NC
Autonomy in pictures 325 330 290 400
Integrated flash, range 6.5 m 14 m 11.5 m yes
Wi-Fi 2.4GHz 2.4GHz 2.4GHz oui
Bluetooth oui - 4.1  
Size in mm (rounded) 127 x 91 x 117 130 x 94 x 120 140 x 109.6 x 149.8 138.7 x 103.5 x 118.5
Weight 610g - 21oz 616g - 22oz 1005g - 35.4oz 777g - 27oz
Year 2018 2017 2020 2018

Canon SX70

A little more pro oriented than its competitors. But there is little progress compared to the SX60 released in 2014! We could have hoped for a bigger zoom.



Lumix FZ82

Good camera for video and for a simplified photography. Panasonic is always technically ahead of the competition.



Nikon P950

The P950 is the successor to the P900 besides the P1000. The latter weighing 1400g, we place it in a separate category.



Differences with P900

Kodak AZ901

Kodak has very few user reviews on Amazon. This brand seems a little neglected and in fact, it offers few new models. The AZ1000 has confidential distribution.
The 90x zoom is actually no more magnifying than the Nikon's 83x, because it starts at a wider angle. The maximum focal length is the same.



Beyond these cameras you can found also 1" bridge cameras and that increases the quality of pictures from 400 or 800 ISO to 3200 ISO. This also reduce the zoom factor to 15x or 25x and increase the price by a big factor also.

See also: Which is the best camera for a trip?