Once upon a time there was a bike path...
In the old days there was no bike path and you had to share the road with cars...
But one got tired of sending ambulances so it was decided to separate the belligerents. The first cycle path was actually very small, a baby cycle path in reality...
Then the serious things started. But that wasn't fun, you shouldn't ride so easily away from vehicles, so a pylon was added. The goal of the game is to avoid the pylon.
It then was made clear that crashing into the pole is mandatory actually...
And if we find that this pole is not big enough, then here is an even stronger one, the master of all the poles.
But there are still cyclists who manage to avoid this big pole, and it is not regular. So here is the end-of-level boss, he stands in your way and seems to tell you: I am the armed arm of death, the destroyer of all cyclists...
End of the story.