Sardine zucchini

To vary the preparation of sardines, a food recommanded for longevity, some unexpected but common ingredients.

Category : Main dish

Cooking: 5 minutesPT5M

Sardine is a part, with mackerel and salmon, of these fishes that provide omega-3 intake our metabolism needs to fight bad cholesterol. It is also an inexpensive food. So all the means to vary the way to consume it are welcome. Mint leaves will be a plus. Tomato is a possible vegetable to add among others.
They may be cooked with basil for more flavor.


  • Sardine: 100g
  • Zucchini: 100g
  • Tomato: 50g
  • Lemon: 10g
  • Mint: 2g
  • Oil: 5g
  • Pimento: 1g
  • Salt:


    Grill or frying pan.


    Cut zucchini into cubes.
    The same goes for lemon.
    Cut the mint and mix with a little oil.
    Prepare the sardines (remove the head, gut, etc.).
    The mixture is a filling that you put into sardines.
    Coat with oil.
    Cut the tomatoes into pieces.
    Fry, with basil if possible.


    Place the tomato on the sardines.
    Serve hot.

Nutritional AssessmentIG: 1
Calories: 53 - 3% of daily needs (approximation).