Tuna burger

A hamburger that respects a balanced diet.

Category : Main dish

Cooking: 10 minutesPT10M

Much more complicated to prepare than a hamburger from MacDonald, but infinitely more respectful of your shape and your health.
Any kind of bread may be used. Burger bread is for the fast food look.


  • Bread: 60g
  • Tuna: 60g
  • Goat cheese: 20g
  • Carrots: 30g
  • Bell pepper: 30g
  • Lemon: 20g
  • Salad: 5g
  • Garlic: 2g
  • Mint: 1g


    Toaster or grill.


    Mix cheese, garlic, mint, lemon juice.
    Cut carrots into thin slices.
    Cut the bell peppers.
    Toast the bread in the toaster.
    Place the lettuce and carrots on the bottom.
    Spread half the cheese.
    Place the tuna on the cheese.
    Add pepper and initial preparation.
    Spread the remaining cheese.
    Cover with another slice.


    Preferably hot.

Nutritional AssessmentIG: 76
Calories: 253 - 13% of daily needs (approximation).